the Electric Vehicle enthusiasts group

Leading The Charge Blog

EV Meet-up at Polestar

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The latest EV Meet-up of the BNZT was held on Thursday night 29th September 2022 at the Polestar dealership on the Great South Road, hosted by Bruce Fowler the Brand…

Lincoln Rd EV Meet - 9th October 2022

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What an amazing range of EVs and owners turned up at this meet! Held at the carpark of Auckland Radiology in Lincoln Rd, Henderson (thank you AR, Ari McGregor and Infratil)…

Whangarei EV EXPO - August 20th, 2022

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Among the broccoli, avocadoes and pesto there were several EVs on display at the Whangarei Farmers Market on Saturday the 20th of August 2022.

May EV Meetup

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Auckland kicked off what we hope will be many meetups for any EV interested humans this month.

EV Rentals are easy as - Sean's experience!

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Several years ago EV drivers fitted into only a small number of categories. The largest probably either a fanatical enthusiast or devout greenie.

2022 Northland RoadTrip

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The 2022 RoadTrip - 18 -23rd April; 7 adults and 2 children in 6 EVs drove a Northland loop from Auckland and back, covering just under 1,000 km in 6 days.…

Nelson to Christchurch in my Leaf

A trip by William Stewart.

EVs Demystified

Andy Bassett, A Leaf owner from Taranaki, has put together a great article to show all those supposed barriers to EV adoption are really more perception than reality!  But then…

Total battery capacity vs. usable battery capacity

The total, (or gross) capacity of a battery pack is the amount of energy it can store when it's fully charged to 100% The usable capacity is how much energy…

North Island RoadTour - Rob Birnie's experience

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The first leg on this year’s Better NZ Trust's #LeadingtheCharge Roadtrip started quietly, as EVs tend to do, on the morning of the 6th of October.

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