the Electric Vehicle enthusiasts group

Leading The Charge Blog

It's a small mindset change

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Driving an EV changes the way you live in more ways than one How often do you leave for work or to drop off the kids and find the car was…

Meet Wellington's new electric car share

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We recently interviewed Erik Zydervelt about Mevo, an exciting and ambitious electric car share service he has launched for Wellington businesses, residents, and visitors! The first of 16 pods is now open…

NZ Defence Force introduce EVs

21 June 2021 The NZDF plugging into more electric vehicles  The NZDF is boosting its fleet of civilian electric vehicles (EVs).

Thames EV Expo

Thames EV Expo 0FU3L – the number plate on the electric car said it all and explained the reason for the mini expo of electric vehicles held in Thames recently.

EVs Can't Tow?

Will Hunter has set out to implode the myth that EVs can't tow by demonstrating the towing capabilities of the Nissan Leaf - truly a workhorse of an EV! It can't…

Martinborough Fair - Take 2

The second Martinborough Fair finally took place on the 10th April 2021, having been inconvenienced/postponed by Covid in March, and then affected by rain on the day! However the trusty…

Redvale Landfill - Waste to Energy

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The Redvale Landfill - not the most glamorous of site visits but truly fascinating.

Electricana - New Plymouth 27th Feb 2021

Electricarna 2021 was held on Saturday, 27th of February at Central School in New Plymouth.

Martinborough Fair February 2021

The Wellington/Wairarapa BNZT volunteers were out in force at the first Martinborough Fair this year!  Organised by Donald Love and Rob Birnie, they engaged the public at the event and offered…

The year 2020 by numbers - of cars!

I was asked recently what percentage of car sales were EVs in New Zealand in the 2020 calendar year – and you would like to think that that percentage should…

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