EVS31 - An Overview
New Zealand Waves The Flag at International EV Symposium
EVS31 is an annual trade show for electric vehicles and arguably the most influential EV Exhibition in the world.
The 31st Annual Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS31) has just been held in Kobe, Japan. This enormous exhibition featured new technologies and innovations, and also provided a platform for delegates to share their research and stories.
With lectures presented by Clem Arlidge (Energy Efficiency Conservation Authority-EECA), James Cozens (ChargeNet NZ) & Donald Love (Flip The Fleet), New Zealand showed the other nations that, despite being tucked away off the map, we are making our mark on the EV world.
All three lectures echoed similar themes of collaboration and community. All three asserted that nobody is an island. The message I heard was, "we are all simply different cogs in a larger machine."
EECA spoke about helping with finance and education. ChargeNet NZ is building infrastructure and developing technology. Flip the Fleet provide "citizen science" to educate the public and provide invaluable data to the various cogs in the machine.
These three, along with many more businesses, small and large, are all responsible for our part in transportation history as we proceed towards the enlightened shift away from fossil fuelled vehicles.
[Amy Roper - Better NZ Trust - 10 Oct 2018]